Monday, June 30, 2008

pic upload ( striped pantsu )

striped pantsu pic.


filed under , google adsense is still evil.
filed under , ecchi ,pantsu

Saturday, June 28, 2008

wallpaper pirates ( cross bones and fire.)


filed under.
wallpaper, generic-TV, generic-movie

Big butt is big ( got ass ) .

photoshop ? are is she a ALIEN goddest of big butts ?

Nothing that big is real?

It looks great now but in TEN years that thing is going to be
covered in cellulite caverns.

( CAKE )
When the aliens invade the earth she will become their
Queen. new Advanse alien probe technology will be developed and masterd.Alien probing the new green alternative ful source.


filed under big butts. cake

Asian school room boss.

google adsense still sucks.

( Google watch )

I'm think about putting ads on this blog from emusic but I'v never used emusic for downloads so i don't no if it's worth doing.

i might just bury this blog and let it die.
"( FAIL porn)" is satire there is no real porn here on this blog but peopl at google adsense are to dumb to know that.


filed under google adsense still sucks. ,asian-fever

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Boston Celtics wallpaper ( low-rez 800x600 )

( DIY )

wallpaper mashup.

low-rez 800x600 because my old craptastic pc loves low rez images.

green back shadow efect with the gimp1.0
I use the old fucking gimp1.0 for this because my other gimp2.0 dose not start up with script-fu in my pluging directory so i deleted script-fu from my gimp2.0 pluging folder.

# dropshadow created with gimp1.0 #
# glowing green line created with gimp2.0 #

#file menu settings#

( script-fu )next ( shadow ) next ( drop-shadow.. )


#settings of drop shadow.#

( off-set X: 0 ) and ( offset Y: 0 ) and ( color = green )
and ( blure radias = 1012 ) then press enter.

# repeat settings of drop shadow.#
# but change green to white for a lighter image #
and ajust blure radias to 975 or smaller.
( off-set X: 0 ) and ( offset Y: 0 ) and ( color = white )
and ( blure radias = 975 ) then press enter.

DONE play around with layers,channels and paths to get images
lined up. move them up and down.



filed under walllpaper , diy, and gimp.

Monday, June 23, 2008

ecchi ( when boobs atack )

caption :
looks like fun.


filed under boobs ,ecchi , ecchi-boobs

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

NLP rapport ( cheat sheat ).

NLP . cheat sheet .


filed under meditation and health , nlp .

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

NLP sensory predicates ( nut )

I don't know if this stuff works are not.
maybe it's worth a look.

The above image is just a quick little cheat sheet.

google NLP to search for more jibber jabber about NLP.

Neuro-linguistic programming

images were cut and paisted together from this site below...
( nlp-london )


filed under nut. NLP

Sunday, June 15, 2008

@ LA , ( Boston blows game 5. )

Backdrop image.

bucket fill image 2.0

pcal image june 15TH 2008.

800x600 low rez DIY wallpaper .

I was bored watching the game so i made some wallpaper.
the final image came out low rez 800x600.

Bloston blew game five, they had their chances,
but injuries may be Bostons big weakness.
Boston is not the same teem without Perkins.
With out Perkin/'s big bodey in the paint boston is not as tough down low.

bet money on a 7 game series the NBA loves their money.

filed under hype , generic-wallpaper.

Michigan: Dale Earnhardt Jr. takes the 88 ride to victory lane .

--2008/june/15TH. ( SUNDAY ).

The race was decided by fuil conservation and pit strategy.

I just want to say congrats...
The Michigan race turned out to be a good one for Dale Earnhardt Jr.

Earnhardt nation went away happy after seeing the 88 car grab the checkered flag at the two mile long Michigan speedway..
NOW the NASCAR merchandise can keep flying out the door.

Michigan speedway ftw

filed under NASCAR, generis-sports

Friday, June 13, 2008

pic upload ( asian cougar )

i want this lady.
she's a cougar.

filed under asian fever , asian-cougar.

pic upload ( asian wow milktank )

I love a good asian milktank.

filed under asian fever , boobs.

pic upload of ( big boobs and hair )

summer time fun because big boobies want to be flourished.

filed under i like big boobs, boobs.

The BROKEN mind of Dennis Kucinich.

What is going on in the mind of Dennis kucinich.
Bush will be moving out of office in 6month so why try to impeach Bush.
We ask who stands to gain.
Other democrats look like they want now part of Kucinich/'s
So why is he waisting every ones time with a faulty plan to impeach Bush?

Who stands to gain?
I think it's realy just Kucinich/'s warped vanity trying to get himself noticed so he can grandstand.
Kucinich is a democratic rep from a librial distric.
kucinich may be waisting tax payers money and time
just to get himself reelected.

It's time to stick Kucinichback in the looser corner

The media is ignoring Kucinich at this time because normal mainstreem Americans don't have a interest in him .
Most people have know idea who he is so the BIG MEDIA considers him irrelevant.
The main stream media slant all their stories to the lowest comman denominator.

Dennis Kucinich should just get a new job as a garden gnome because no one cares about him out side his district.
Kucinich is a massive failure.

filed under dbag dennis kucinich. massive-failur

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

pic upload ( anime summer boobs )

pic upload ( anime summer boobs )

filed under summer-time , boobs , ecchi

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dennis Kucinich is a idiot dbag.

Dennise Kucinich in a idiot.

Kucinich is a massive fail.

Kucinich thanks for waisting tax payers money you fucken retard.
We have bigger problems rite now , but your a massive fail that thinks that you should be in the spotlight.
Your a fucking failure Dennis.


Why Dennise is a looser.

Dennis is angry because he's a massive fail.
He was unable to get himself elected as president when he ran because he/'s a tool filled with extreme left wing conspiracies.Even Other Democrats think he/'s a whack job and wont support his resolution .

Whats Dennis/'s real agenda

Can you say profit $$$$.
When he fails to impeach Bush what will he move onto next.
I think the mental retard is planning on writing
a book when his career is over I bet he tries to cash in on his pointless ranting and ravings.

Alien psychic-powers predict.
Dennis Kucinich gold-diging trophy wife pushes him over a cliff**** to collect his life insurance policy.
His trophy wife is like 30 years old and he/'s like 61.
don't tell me this is true love and that they share a lot in common****.

( pandering )

Dennis Kucinich is a spotlight lover idiot that likes being in the media pandering to the extreme left wing nut jobs out there.


Kucinich is a failed professional left wing nut job.
"He makes left wing extreme flake look sane."


( progressive ? )

is progresive code for just another impractical extremist.
Deniss is a marginal politician.
I LOL at Kucinich/'s "vanity campaign."


Kucinich was unable to carry any states in the 2004 Democratic Primaries, and John Kerry eventually won the Democratic nomination.


filed under dbag Deniss kucinich.

FAT oil companies.

The oil companies have been to FAT long enough it's time to move forward with nuclear power.

Why are we not using more nuclear power

polititions have been blocking the move to nuclear powerplats and electric powerd cars because gas taxes make the pocketes of politions ritch.

More nuclear power now

The price of electricity would be lower.
The price of gas will still go up, but thats why it would be a good time to move to electric powerd cars and hybirds.


~ what about the oil~~~

Theres Cheap oil in Alaska.

1). we can get electric energy from new nuclear powerplants

2). We can find more affordable oil by drilling in Alaska and off the coast of the U.S.

~ why are the polititions blocking this from hapening?

Polititions are scared of The Media and environmentalist,
Good for nothing polititions are only looking out for their own asses and don't stand for anything.

Special interest comity/'s are good for what?

The congress needs a comity that will take their heads out of their asses and then take on the The Media and environmentalist.

1). It's time for more nuclear powerplants,
more affordable electric energy.
2). It's time to drill our own oil from the coasts of the U.S.

HOPE is joke Obama .
Hope is not a strategy .
Hope is not agame plan.
Hope is your last resort.
Hope is what fall back on after you exhaust all other alternitives first.

We need to TAKE ACTION now.

Occam's razor : "entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity".This is often paraphrased as "All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best."

(('s_Razor ))


filed under hope is for suckers. energy-woes

Monday, June 9, 2008

Cheap oil in Alaska.

Cheap oil in Alaska.
It's time to start drilling in alaska.

The next presidant of the U.S. will be the candidate that
can make a stand and say it's time to start drilling
and produce our own oil.
We can find and produce more oil from our nations lands.
We have a lot of land there must be oil out there some were.

2008 it's about the oil doofus

start looking for it doofus.

It can be done.
we can drill our own oil and become more self sufficient.

get er done

just start drilling Alaska and off the coast.
Stop kissing butts of environmentalist cobals.
Step up and grow a back bone.
The Congress needs to grow a pair.

Who will step up ?

( McCain )

John McCain for President.


( alien fiction )
3 out 4 aliens aprove of ObomB.
Aliens struck a deal with oprah and ObomB
to take over the world.


# filed under oil , generic-post.


Aliens probe Big Brown.

( fiction )

aliens probe Big Brown and discover Big Browns secrets to winning
horse races is steriods.


( non-fiction )

Why do trainers give horses steroids .
race horses seem fragle to me.
Steriods would only make them even britle and likly to break down.

INtervention needed

It's time to crack down on the sport of kings.

After watching one horse collapse and die and
then watching
Big Brown tank the sport of kings look more like the sport of fools.


filed under hype , 2008june

Alien intervention scheduled for later.

Alien intervention scheduled for later this year.
Why did the church anounce that it's ok to belive in alien life?

Do they know something that we don't ?
Did NASA and the U.S. goverment leak them some information
about things possibly being found on mars?
Are maybe the Chruch is just trying to destract us.

Bread and circuses

it's easy to get distracted by all the things in life.

~ THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

filed under alien-intervention

intervention required --2008june 9TH

intervention --2008june 9TH.


I decided to delete some adult material from this blog.
porn is for sissies, real men flagellate them self with sharp objects.
Or maybe only crazy people do that.


When the day is darkest you will find the road in the light.
What ever that means i could use a little light.


I'm in need of  a intervention.
I need all the help I can get in real life.
This blog is only a waistland of user imperfections.
i'm full of mistakes.
June gloom has struck deep and i need a escape from the gloom.
I think the only place i will find help is from a devine source because all the people i know are nuckle heads and their little help to me.
Help i needed from devine insperation


money wont solve all my problums but it could provide some security.
I all so need the people around me to pull their collective heads out of their arsses.


life suckes sometimes.
What is life without a little life experiance?
Good luck whanted.
I need  a serious stroke of good luck to come my way.
I'm do.
I'm  a unhappy camper and i hope this summer is NOT a bad one filled with discontent.


MY new goals for now are to find some luck.
and to find stonger insperation.
because after all these years I'm still looking for my path in life .


How do I find the right path in life ?

HOW do I find LUCK

Do i pray ?
Do I repent my past  ?


( English Thesaurus )

[N] (Penitence): penitence,
contrition, compunction,
repentance, remorse, regret,
self-reproach, self-reproof,
self-accusation, self-condemnation,
pangs of conscience, confession,
disclosure, apology, penance.

[V] (Penitence): repent,
be sorry for, be penitent,
rue, regret,
think better of, recant,
plead guilty, beg pardon,
apologize, turn over a new leaf,
learn by experience


filed under blog-intervention.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

DOOM wallpaper crazy person ?

I haven't seen the movie yet.
but some people say it's not good because it ripped off MADMAX.

DIY: image can be used to make so basic low rez wallpaper.


filed under wallpaper.

DIY wallpaper + summer jpeg.

full scale image 1201 x 1600 pixels.

small 600x800

low rez 800x600.

Do we like crazy women?

Crazy Terminator b+tch is a whole lot of sexy.

~ make your own wallpaper.

Summer is luv

filed under wallpaper and diy.

wallpaper + Blue-senic-lake-island-blonde

Blue-senic-lake- island-blonde


filed under wallpaper