Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Boston Celtics wallpaper ( low-rez 800x600 )

( DIY )

wallpaper mashup.

low-rez 800x600 because my old craptastic pc loves low rez images.

green back shadow efect with the gimp1.0
I use the old fucking gimp1.0 for this because my other gimp2.0 dose not start up with script-fu in my pluging directory so i deleted script-fu from my gimp2.0 pluging folder.

# dropshadow created with gimp1.0 #
# glowing green line created with gimp2.0 #

#file menu settings#

( script-fu )next ( shadow ) next ( drop-shadow.. )


#settings of drop shadow.#

( off-set X: 0 ) and ( offset Y: 0 ) and ( color = green )
and ( blure radias = 1012 ) then press enter.

# repeat settings of drop shadow.#
# but change green to white for a lighter image #
and ajust blure radias to 975 or smaller.
( off-set X: 0 ) and ( offset Y: 0 ) and ( color = white )
and ( blure radias = 975 ) then press enter.

DONE play around with layers,channels and paths to get images
lined up. move them up and down.



filed under walllpaper , diy, and gimp.