Tuesday, June 10, 2008

FAT oil companies.

The oil companies have been to FAT long enough it's time to move forward with nuclear power.

Why are we not using more nuclear power

polititions have been blocking the move to nuclear powerplats and electric powerd cars because gas taxes make the pocketes of politions ritch.

More nuclear power now

The price of electricity would be lower.
The price of gas will still go up, but thats why it would be a good time to move to electric powerd cars and hybirds.


~ what about the oil~~~

Theres Cheap oil in Alaska.

1). we can get electric energy from new nuclear powerplants

2). We can find more affordable oil by drilling in Alaska and off the coast of the U.S.

~ why are the polititions blocking this from hapening?

Polititions are scared of The Media and environmentalist,
Good for nothing polititions are only looking out for their own asses and don't stand for anything.

Special interest comity/'s are good for what?

The congress needs a comity that will take their heads out of their asses and then take on the The Media and environmentalist.

1). It's time for more nuclear powerplants,
more affordable electric energy.
2). It's time to drill our own oil from the coasts of the U.S.

HOPE is joke Obama .
Hope is not a strategy .
Hope is not agame plan.
Hope is your last resort.
Hope is what fall back on after you exhaust all other alternitives first.

We need to TAKE ACTION now.

Occam's razor : "entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity".This is often paraphrased as "All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best."

(( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam's_Razor ))


filed under hope is for suckers. energy-woes