What is going on in the mind of Dennis kucinich.
Bush will be moving out of office in 6month so why try to impeach Bush.
We ask who stands to gain.
Other democrats look like they want now part of Kucinich/'s
So why is he waisting every ones time with a faulty plan to impeach Bush?
Who stands to gain?
I think it's realy just Kucinich/'s warped vanity trying to get himself noticed so he can grandstand.
Kucinich is a democratic rep from a librial distric.
kucinich may be waisting tax payers money and time
just to get himself reelected.
It's time to stick Kucinichback in the looser corner
The media is ignoring Kucinich at this time because normal mainstreem Americans don't have a interest in him .
Most people have know idea who he is so the BIG MEDIA considers him irrelevant.
The main stream media slant all their stories to the lowest comman denominator.
Dennis Kucinich should just get a new job as a garden gnome because no one cares about him out side his district.
Kucinich is a massive failure.
filed under dbag dennis kucinich. massive-failur