Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dennis Kucinich is a idiot dbag.

Dennise Kucinich in a idiot.

Kucinich is a massive fail.


Kucinich thanks for waisting tax payers money you fucken retard.
We have bigger problems rite now , but your a massive fail that thinks that you should be in the spotlight.
Your a fucking failure Dennis.


Why Dennise is a looser.

Dennis is angry because he's a massive fail.
He was unable to get himself elected as president when he ran because he/'s a tool filled with extreme left wing conspiracies.Even Other Democrats think he/'s a whack job and wont support his resolution .

Whats Dennis/'s real agenda

Can you say profit $$$$.
When he fails to impeach Bush what will he move onto next.
I think the mental retard is planning on writing
a book when his career is over I bet he tries to cash in on his pointless ranting and ravings.

Alien psychic-powers predict.
Dennis Kucinich gold-diging trophy wife pushes him over a cliff**** to collect his life insurance policy.
His trophy wife is like 30 years old and he/'s like 61.
don't tell me this is true love and that they share a lot in common****.

( pandering )

Dennis Kucinich is a spotlight lover idiot that likes being in the media pandering to the extreme left wing nut jobs out there.


Kucinich is a failed professional left wing nut job.
"He makes left wing extreme flake look sane."


( progressive ? )

is progresive code for just another impractical extremist.
Deniss is a marginal politician.
I LOL at Kucinich/'s "vanity campaign."


Kucinich was unable to carry any states in the 2004 Democratic Primaries, and John Kerry eventually won the Democratic nomination.



filed under dbag Deniss kucinich.