Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Random politics (cnn youtube)

politics and Teflon . 2007nov 28th.
I had fun watching the debates.
I think CNN sucks but . . .
It's fun watching the candidates squirm
and position them selfs as being more conservative then the next guy

I got news for you none of them are really conservative
They are all veteran politicians .
That play the game.

To win the game you must be willing to play the game.
<--- Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary --->

1 [U+sing./pl. v.] the activities involved in getting and using power in public life, and being able to influence decisions that affect a country or a society:
party politics * local politics * He's thinking of going into politics (= trying to become a Member of Parliament, Congress, etc.) * a major figure in British politics

2 [U+sing./pl. v.] (disapproving) matters concerned with getting or using power within a particular group or organization:
I don't want to get involved in office politics. * the internal politics of the legal profession * sexual politics (= concerning relationships of power between the sexes)

3 [pl.] a person's political views or beliefs:
His politics are extreme


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The best Opera Widgets

Your favorite Opera widget . 2007nov.
I like the ( Chuck Noris facts )
Chuck Norris is a bad ass.
karate use to be so cool.

Chuck .
Please don't round house kick me.
you are a legend.

Friday, November 23, 2007

i did not blog ( gOS)

Turkeys taste good.2007nov 23rd.
Radom linux stuff*************************

I did not blog gOS.
will not boot on my old P-II PC with under 32mb of ram
Damn-Small-Linux will.

I did not blog fedora8 :
is one of the slowest live -OS cd's
I've ever tried to use. but it still worked better than gOS.

I did not blog GRUB :
boot floppies are cool.
But i need to make a grub boot cd.

I did not blog Comp-fusion :
looks cool but is a utter waist of time.

I did not blog NVIDIA :
Video cards work good on linux pc's ....
Nvidai drivers make my (Linux OS PC) look a lot better.
but gettin my (pci video card) set up on most linux distros is a
pain in the but.

Random T.V. stuff *****************************************

I did not blog the WWE sucks.
Good bye king Booker...
Hello Booker T long time no see welcome back.
It's good to see another star like Booker T at TNA.
Now can you dig that (sucka ).

I did not blog PRISON BREAK ...
that some people i know did not
like how PRISON BREAK ended their fall finally.
Another cliff hanger left in limbo.

I did not blog the Writer Strike ....
In Hollywood.
I would cross the picke lines for some green backs.
Pay me sucka.
* I think strikes are flippen lame
start your own business
if you think you should be getting paid more.
this DRAFT is a work in progress
I need the money.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

videos deleted from sites ( ? )

The land of deleted videos. 2007nov 22nd.
@ music industry.

Thanks for deleting the videos i uploaded..
Free publicity for music artist is a big waste of time.

And no one wonts to support the music industry any more
Because you guys suck.

Keep deleting the videos i upload because it's not like
some one else wont upload videos.

But wait I'm your biggest fan. " I love stupid decisions. Thats what i live for."

Lets delete the hole internet and go back to getting our kicks from old media.

Hey keep up he good work. fair well.