Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2008

anime street fightert wallp.

sf Chunli. wallpaper.

Punisher wallpaper 1600x


yep, more wallaper i'm a lazy blog poster.

Monday, December 22, 2008

retro wallpaper

dec / 2008 /23RD.



Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Wallpaper sexy Adriana Lima FTW.

Dec /2008 / the 9TH.

1920x1220 ( wallpaper ) Adriana Lima .

tomb raider /Boob raider wallpaper

Dec /2008 / the 9TH.

boobgirl wallpaper /tomb raider.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

BBW blk women wallpaper.

Dec // 2008 // 4TH.

it's all gravy.

Friday, November 28, 2008

black friday idiots.

2 men die in shooting at Toys 'R' Us in Palm Desert
(Los Angeles Times)

Police and emergency personnel work outside a (Toys R Us ) store in Palm Desert on Black Friday after two people were shot to death in the crowded toy store. ...

^ black friday idiots. ^

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"insanity peppers" :: bookmark
"insanity peppers"
Q: Do "insanity peppers" really exist?

Monday, November 24, 2008

turkey i'm sorry i have to eat you now.

nov / 2008 /23RD.

whats better than turkeys at Holiday time?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Palin's possible big payday.

Palin's possible big payday

Like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin could earn millions for the rights to her memoirs.

Friday, November 14, 2008

more basic yoga.

2008 /NOV / 13th.
more basic yoga.

learn basic yoga.

2008 / NOV / 14TH.
-- basic yoga ---

KISS : keep it simple.

Learn some basic meditation.

---(2008 // NOV //13TH. )--- first draft.
# ( I am not a expert on this field )
# ( This is just my 2 cents .)
OBSESSIVE behavior verses focused behavior.text
I don't need crazy obsessive anger in my life.


BETA on over-drive can be a bad thing.
to much beta and not enough ALFA will just drive you nuts.
to much coffee and caffeine blocks ALFA from working in the brain.
ALFA : is needed for the body to relax and focus.
Beta : is more of a obsessive state of mind.
A little beta is OK ,but when it goes into over drive then you may
develop issues.
//////////////////// TO much High-beta can be bad.
//////////////////// lower beta is OK.

---( paranoia )---

A unbalanced mind can lead to paranoia.

What sort of training can one do to HELP balance your mind.
yoga // meditation // prayer // and professional metal therapy. // see a shrink.
extra //

I like to try mediation.
Why ?
Because i like to be able to spend at least 20-30min with my self without go crazy.

but what if your parinioed and unstable?
what if ? what if your nuts and can't meditate?

--( practice makes all most perfect.)---

can you look at your self in a mirror for 5minutes without hating your self?

Can you meditate with out fidgeting and distracting your self.

--( accessing a sub beta state of mind )---
#sub-beta aka low beta.

A sub_beta mind can be achieve by restricting your movement,
and learning how to focus;

--( sub beta for the body)---
if you can ( FOCUS ) on NOT moving this can heighten ones sub_beta metal activities.

FOCUS keep your eyes OPEN . closing your eyes increases ALFA brain waves.
your not ready for ALFA yet. try to stay in a sub beta state of Mind and focus.

--( sub beta for the mind )--

FOCUS do not close your eyes are do any deep breathing exercises yet.
deep breathing increases ALFA brain waves and your not ready for that yet.

focus on normal breathing , and restrict body movements.
select a yoga pose or just sit still.
///////////////////////////// take a break.

########## from ward-craft axa.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Sad lol cat - emo - bad dogma [random post]


@[random post] :
( dogma sucks )
Things that are wrong.
media dogma.
Hollywood dogma.
peer dogma

[Independents is good] :
Things that are good.
pragmatic respect for things that work.
filed under : sad emo kitten does not like dogma.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

pic upload ( lets dance )

leotards pantyhose

filed under leotards.
workout fetish.

I like dancers more then I like strippers.
any retard can be a stripper.

(\__ /)

pic upload ( nylon fetish blonde )

filed under nyon fetish. fetish.
and pantsu .

pic uploads ( alt fetish sweaty boobs )


fetish babe has sweaty boobs.


filed under fetish , latex.
filed under sweaty boobs.sweaty-cleavage

Saturday, July 12, 2008

random health hack ( brain fitness workout )

random health hack ( brain fitness workout )

you have 60 seconds to count to 120 out loud.
if you can do it your brain fitness is OK.
If you CAN'T do it you should go see a doctor are practice more.

A brain is a terrible thing to waste.
puzzle Games like sudoku can improve mental fitness.

games for a fit mind

you can play from your web browser :
The Opera webbrowser has a downloadable sudoku widjet.


filed under random health-hack-2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

picture edit ( COCO miss big booty )

source image. jpeg

edited image , png

Coc has a big ass

big butt girl has a big butt.

some touch up work to image done with the gimp.

I like big BUTTS.


filed under miss big booty.

pic upload ( tilly sweaty cleavage )

Jennifer Tilly has big boobs.

sweaty cleavage

jennofer tilly sweaty boobs

Jennifer Tilly has big sweaty boobs.

Their great.
I would make this crazy women the Queen
of any hey ride.


filed under summer time weather is to hot ,,boobs , sweaty cleavage. 2008JULY

Friday, July 4, 2008

tip BBQ at 300 degree.

Homer loves BBQ

Homer knoes BBQ

BBQ 4TH of July

( BBQ at 300 degree.)

temperature higher than 300 degree is will grill the food.

Temperature at between 200 and 300 is barbecue.

yuhm BBQ.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

pic upload ( bianca sexy leggs )

Bianca Beauchamp sexy fetish model

( Bianca Beauchamp )

Wardcraft's blog , we love bianca the fetish model.

NN but still damn sexy.


filed under latex , fetish , sexy ,Bianca Beauchamp ( BB ).

big butt bondage slave (^ fetish^ )

Smile please

she dosn't look real happy.


filed under fetish , latex , big-butts

cartoon boob SHAPE chart .

yes pointers ftw.



filed under boobs.

battlestar bikini oops ( pelvis wedgie ? )

lets all give a huurah for women with wedgies ! :)

battle star boaring shows are boaring.
over rated show is over rated.

Let the flogging beging.

I don't like the sci-fi channle they show to many commercials.
SCI-FI channle has some of the worst sci-fi chick shows ever.

battle star should be an action show like the old battle star not some lame chick filck soap opera drama that they do now way to often on T.V.
bigger and better special afects would ROCK.
and more actions! and more action !

needs more action, needs more action ,

needs more action , and less drama.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

wallpaper latex fetish ( 800x600 low rez )

more of the same old same old.

low rez 800x600 wallpaper png image.


filed under wallpaper , 800x600 , latex , fetish

pic upload ( latex fetish )

latex fetish yes.

file added 2008/JUNE/2ND.


filed under latex,fetish.

Monday, June 30, 2008

pic upload ( striped pantsu )

striped pantsu pic.


filed under , google adsense is still evil.
filed under , ecchi ,pantsu

Saturday, June 28, 2008

wallpaper pirates ( cross bones and fire.)


filed under.
wallpaper, generic-TV, generic-movie

Big butt is big ( got ass ) .

photoshop ? are is she a ALIEN goddest of big butts ?

Nothing that big is real?

It looks great now but in TEN years that thing is going to be
covered in cellulite caverns.

( CAKE )
When the aliens invade the earth she will become their
Queen. new Advanse alien probe technology will be developed and masterd.Alien probing the new green alternative ful source.


filed under big butts. cake

Asian school room boss.

google adsense still sucks.

( Google watch )

I'm think about putting ads on this blog from emusic but I'v never used emusic for downloads so i don't no if it's worth doing.

i might just bury this blog and let it die.
"( FAIL porn)" is satire there is no real porn here on this blog but peopl at google adsense are to dumb to know that.


filed under google adsense still sucks. ,asian-fever

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Boston Celtics wallpaper ( low-rez 800x600 )

( DIY )

wallpaper mashup.

low-rez 800x600 because my old craptastic pc loves low rez images.

green back shadow efect with the gimp1.0
I use the old fucking gimp1.0 for this because my other gimp2.0 dose not start up with script-fu in my pluging directory so i deleted script-fu from my gimp2.0 pluging folder.

# dropshadow created with gimp1.0 #
# glowing green line created with gimp2.0 #

#file menu settings#

( script-fu )next ( shadow ) next ( drop-shadow.. )


#settings of drop shadow.#

( off-set X: 0 ) and ( offset Y: 0 ) and ( color = green )
and ( blure radias = 1012 ) then press enter.

# repeat settings of drop shadow.#
# but change green to white for a lighter image #
and ajust blure radias to 975 or smaller.
( off-set X: 0 ) and ( offset Y: 0 ) and ( color = white )
and ( blure radias = 975 ) then press enter.

DONE play around with layers,channels and paths to get images
lined up. move them up and down.



filed under walllpaper , diy, and gimp.

Monday, June 23, 2008

ecchi ( when boobs atack )

caption :
looks like fun.


filed under boobs ,ecchi , ecchi-boobs

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

NLP rapport ( cheat sheat ).

NLP . cheat sheet .


filed under meditation and health , nlp .

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

NLP sensory predicates ( nut )

I don't know if this stuff works are not.
maybe it's worth a look.

The above image is just a quick little cheat sheet.

google NLP to search for more jibber jabber about NLP.

Neuro-linguistic programming

images were cut and paisted together from this site below...
( nlp-london )


filed under nut. NLP