---(2008 // NOV //13TH. )--- first draft.
# ( I am not a expert on this field )
# ( This is just my 2 cents .)
OBSESSIVE behavior verses focused behavior.text
I don't need crazy obsessive anger in my life.
BETA on over-drive can be a bad thing.
to much beta and not enough ALFA will just drive you nuts.
to much coffee and caffeine blocks ALFA from working in the brain.
ALFA : is needed for the body to relax and focus.
Beta : is more of a obsessive state of mind.
A little beta is OK ,but when it goes into over drive then you may
develop issues.
//////////////////// TO much High-beta can be bad.
//////////////////// lower beta is OK.
---( paranoia )---
A unbalanced mind can lead to paranoia.
What sort of training can one do to HELP balance your mind.
yoga // meditation // prayer // and professional metal therapy. // see a shrink.
extra //
I like to try mediation.
Why ?
Because i like to be able to spend at least 20-30min with my self without go crazy.
but what if your parinioed and unstable?
what if ? what if your nuts and can't meditate?
--( practice makes all most perfect.)---
can you look at your self in a mirror for 5minutes without hating your self?
Can you meditate with out fidgeting and distracting your self.
--( accessing a sub beta state of mind )---
#sub-beta aka low beta.
A sub_beta mind can be achieve by restricting your movement,
and learning how to focus;
--( sub beta for the body)---
if you can ( FOCUS ) on NOT moving this can heighten ones sub_beta metal activities.
FOCUS keep your eyes OPEN . closing your eyes increases ALFA brain waves.
your not ready for ALFA yet. try to stay in a sub beta state of Mind and focus.
--( sub beta for the mind )--
FOCUS do not close your eyes are do any deep breathing exercises yet.
deep breathing increases ALFA brain waves and your not ready for that yet.
focus on normal breathing , and restrict body movements.
select a yoga pose or just sit still.
///////////////////////////// take a break.
########## from ward-craft axa.