Thursday, November 3, 2011

linux dlna upnp mediatomb fuse and djmount

a short very short how to stream videos from on linux pc to other local linux pc's on the same

*** over the same router **

I tried streaming video threw to
routers and the results sucked.
So keep the pc on the same router for best
video playback.

steaming software for linux.

MEDIAtomb its in all most all normal distros

*mediatomb for the back end if connected via lan
on the same router.

ushare needed to be built from source on my
debian lenny pc but it's in most ubuntu repositories.

*ushare if conected to the same router over wifi.
[ushare] for streaming music to my att uverse settop box.

lan or wifi?
mediatomb needs to be set up over its web-ui
and your going to want to set up a password for the web-ui or disable the web-ui after your done doing the setup because the web-ui exposes your entire pc file structure and files.

I like mediatomb .
The config file is located at
[ /home/"username"/.mediatomb/config.xml ]
start mediatomb up in console the kill it with Ctrl+c and then edit the config file to your own liking.


playback over upnp/home-dlna with
players [xbmx or djmount with fuse]


UBUNTU i use xbmc for playback.

XBMC on my lubuntu11.04 laptop it was easy to find in a ppa for xbmc so i used xbmc for playback testing over wifi.
I had gnewSense running as a mediatomb server connented via lan to a linksys router that was connected to a 2wire-wifi router that server the internet and wifi for my laptop and running threw to routers was very buggy at best using [mediatomb and xbmc]. I never did stream a entire movie because i'm easily distracted and
i don't like xbmc that much because it sucks at multitasking.

so how about i switch to two desktops connected to the same 2wire-router and with mdeiatomb and djmount.

[Meiatomb and djmount]
mediatomb running on gnewSense.


DEBIAN i used.
[Mediatomb and djmount]
djmount and fuse running on Debian/lenny/mepis8

*** fuse and djmount a little buggy **
Djmount compiled from source was a little buggy but worked.

djmount and ushare depends.
stuff like libfuse-dev and other crap
and run ldconfig for safe measures.

compile and install it normally
i think djmount it needs ./configure --enable-dlna

but i may be wrong it could be USHARE that needed that pluss lib avcodecs and devs pluss [libdlna-0.2.3.tar.bz2]


how to use fuse and djmount to mount a upnp network service.


directory= (upnp.fuse)



$ modprobe -l -t /home/"username"/upnp/upnp.fuse fuse


then mount the upnp [mediatomb] service


$ djmount /home/"username"/upnp/upnp.fuse

then wait for to two pc to handshake and then you can browse the upnp mount point like a normal
readonly file directory. any files added two your mediatomb server-pc should show up on your local-pc and play back fin with mplayer or some other player.

to dismount i tried [fuse] but it failed
on my debian/lenny pc so i used umount as root and that worked for me.


dismount [fuse] fails:

fusermount -u /home/"username"/upnp/upnp.fuse

this works:

$ umount -l upnp.fuse


a hard won victory. now i need to get some sort
of settop box that does upnp/home-dlna