Monday, March 31, 2008

my adsence Earnings y2008 march - axa -

Wow .04 cents i'm allmost rich now.
That was my earnings report for march 2007.

Page impressions -------- Earnings
1,701 -------- $0.04

I truely suck at blogging.

I suck because i'm not a mac fag fanboy.
And I didn't wet my self for the macbook air and blog about it.
I suck at blogging because i can't read.
and I can't sp3ll eth3r.
I can't type my blog because I like to watch to much
internet pr0n and my wrist has tendinitis.
My pecker has corporel tunnle syndrom.
and i'm going blind ,
i can't see small fonts on my computer any more
I had to turn the font settins on all my applications
larger and on BOLD type.
computer any more.

Thanks for reading my stupid blog.