I will try to post more picture next month.
" http://wardcraft.blogspot.com "
The best! " AMITURE " BLOG nobodies reading.
The best :)
Amiture BLOG PG-13/R on Blogspot.com
Ok Blogs are so boaring every one likes to youtube instead.
WHY amiture ?
I don't get paid for this stuff.
I can't get any one to read it.
I'm not making mony $$$$.
google only ows me 32 cents.
No one clicks on the links.
My page hits are so low only me and spamers
know about this blog.
WHY PG-13 ?
The best amiture pg13 blog.
theirs some X rated stuff on other blogspot blogs but thats mostly just spam
and links to pay sights.... spam.spam.spam.
Pictures PG-13 ?
yes I use some naughty pictures pg13 from
tobloids and other spam blogs
Bikinis models and tobloid Divas.But I
don't go for bad taste or exploit anyone
who is not exploiting them selfs.
Bad taste?
Bad taste exploiting murder crime drugs
stupidity " for a headline or scarehead."
be afraid the world is going to end the sky is falling!!!
Bad headlines or scarehead?
news that isn't news stuff that no one will be talking about next weak.
flavor of the day/weak untill the next headline bumps it of the front page.
Why pictures?
I'm lazy pictures are easy to find and easy to post.
I still got like 1gig of space left on my blogspot acount
I wont to use up as much of that free space as a can.
Next month who knows?
more of the same are somthing different.